
Prayer Walk FRI NOV 26

Happy Thanksgiving to our prayer team (those of you that are American or celebrate thanksgiving). And still, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you because it is a season to be thankful for all that we have been so richly blessed with!! Here is what we are thankful for....

*Unearthed just passed the 1 year mark!!! We have seen how faithfully God has answered prayers. Prayers that we even forgot we prayed!
*Unearthed is moving into new and deeper levels! This past year was amazing and so fruitful. We feel even more is coming for the second year!
*Team members! We are soooooo thankful to have our faithful team members who give their time (so late at night!) and energy for this ministry. We LOVE serving with you all!
*Prayer team! Your prayers are invaluable. We know that Unearthed is seeing so much fruit because of your faithful prayers. We LOVE serving with you all!


1. (BETHANY) Bethany and her boyfriend will be joining us for a Thanksgiving Banquet with one of our churches. AMAZING!! This is a new level of trust we are reaching and we pray that they will both be so blessed! It seems like they are both really excited to hang out with us and learn about the holiday and eat American food. :) Please pray for good fellowship and conversation, and as always, deeper connections with Bethany. We really want to speak into her life and bless her. The banquet will be this Sunday (Nov. 28) evening!
2. (G20 SUMMIT WALK) The G20 Summit was 2 weeks ago, as you remember from our previous email. Our walk was amazing!! We had 12 people join the walk! It was the biggest Unearthed crew we have had to date, and it was on the 1 year anniversary. God is so FAITHFUL! We had great worship, received many prophetic words from the Lord, and felt a lot of fruit from the walk. Please continue to pray for our world leaders! Especially in the areas of lust, greed, adultery, lies, and witchcraft! We truly believe that something broke in the spirit that night and we are now walking into a new depth of ministry. AMEN!

We have 5 weeks left in 2010. We need to press in!! We really feel an urgency in our spirits that we should not just look to 2011 and let the rest of 2010 pass us by. God is asking "What do you want??" When we know what we want, we ask for it and go after it.
Things to pray for that we want...
1. Bethany!!! We want her to know her Father and have a deep friendship with us.
2. More committed members for Unearthed! We have some who will be leaving Korea in the near future and others that are having time conflicts right now. Pray for others to become aware of our ministry and that more people will join.
3. Grace and protection for our walk tonight. We want to be useful and strategic. Pray that we would even have divine appointments to pray for people.
4. FOCUS!! The area we walk is so easy to get distracted in. We need focus to pray and stay engaged.
5. Safety and grace for members who are unable to join us this week.

Korea Time: FRI NOV 26th 11:30pm - 2:30am
11:30-12:30: Prayer and Worship
12:30-2:00: Walking on the Streets
2:00-2:30: Debrief/Prayer

USA Time (CST): FRI NOV. 26th 8:30am - 11:30pm
8:30-9:30: Prayer and Worship
9:30-11:00: Walking on the Streets
11:00-11:30: Debrief/Prayer


Happy Birthday

Dearest Unearthed,

Happy 1 year Birthday! Joy filled our hearts as we celebrated 1 year last week. We've come such a long way. We are so thankful for the past year and anticipate greater thing to come. You are such a special blessing!

May you, Unearthed, always be filled with love for God and for His people. May you be used to bring transformation to this city, this nation, this world through the gospel of Jesus Christ. May you remain steadfast in interceding. May you glorify God.

You are so precious, Unearthed! There are so many people praying for you and with you. Keep on keeping on!


Not For Sale by Mickey Cho

Check out this song!! A supportive brother of Unearthed recently sent this link for a beautiful song, written about human slavery.  We need to support artists like this who are getting the message out!

[bandcamp track=2159639882 size=venti bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB]


Prayer Walk FRI 11/12

Its the time again for another blessed walk!! We have so many things to share. And our spirits are bursting with excitement and expectation...we know God is on the move in a mighty way!

**One note of encouragement to us all: This week at church someone talked about support raising and said... there is no guilt in raising support. It's a blessing for others to be able to partner.  It's an investment. They believe that I can change the world and any change that happens through me is also happening through those who give.

, dear intercessor, may not be walking on the streets of Seoul, but each prayer that you say for protection, blessing or encouragement is changing the world. We know that through Unearthed, history is being changed and shaped to reflect God's glory and it is NOT only happening through the Unearthed Team! If we didn't have you all supporting us we would not be where we are. So press in! Invest in what God is doing! And be blessed. We honor you and thank you for every prayer.

(G20 SUMMIT) The G20 Summit is a gathering of the world's top leaders discussing the international economic development and global economic stability. It'll be held in Seoul on Nov. 11-12th. The fact that this is being held in Korea, when there is so much going on politically, is so divine.  Our prayer walk is the same night and we believe that we will experience major change and breakthrough when we pray for these major international leaders. It is interesting that there is a summit discussing international economy and so much income in these nations comes from prostitution and trafficking. We need to pray that these leaders are awakened to the truth and will be used for change!

Believe with us that God is preparing a huge global movement to end human trafficking and it is going to come through some of these world leaders. Pray. Pray. Pray! Our spirits are so stirred for this walk, more than any other we've been on, and we know that God is faithful to hear our cries. Some prayer points to focus on:

-Leaders and people in authority would be awakened and have God's favor to bring about change
-Leaders would be aware of the trafficking that is happening in their own countries
-Leaders would be aware of the trafficking that is happening between their own countries and Korea
-Leaders would be disturbed by the statistics and numbers...disturbed to the point that they cannot let it go without action.

Korea Time: FRI NOV 12th 11:30pm - 2:00am
11:30-12:30: Prayer and Worship
12:30-1:30: Walking on the Streets
1:30-2:00: Debrief/Prayer

USA Time (CST): FRI NOV. 12th 9:30am - 12:00pm
9:30-10:30: Prayer and Worship
10:30-11:30: Walking on the Streets
11:30-12:00: Debrief/Prayer


Singing with Angels

So blessed by this song!!
This young man from Argentina and his wife began to just worship and minister to the Lord for hours and hours and hours in a recording studio. And soon, angels began to sing with them and it is captured in the recording. I love the depth and passion behind his singing. I have had this song on repeat and in my head for days.
I hope you are also blessed.



I love how God loves.

His love never fails. His love pursued, pursues, and will continue to pursue. Without fail. His love is not bothered by me, not annoyed with me, not tired of me. He wants me. He delights in me, cherishes me. His love jealously calls me His own. His love reaches me. His love accepts, embraces, adopts. Love that is not unashamed of me. His love forgives. His love cleanses. His love restores. His love heals. Love that declares freedom, ushers in liberty. The old is gone, the new has come. His love breathes new life. His love is so tender, so gentle. Such sweet love. No other love compares. His love speaks to the hidden tucked away in the corners and crevices of my heart, of all nations, of the world. His love gives. I am a recipient of His love. We are recipients of His love. They are recipients of His love. His love transforms. His love fills, fuels, frames, forms, finds. His love finds. His love found me. His love is forever. His love does not change, does not fluctuate, does not turn on and off. His love is not dependent on me, on what I do or don't do. His love is steadfast. His love beckons me, invites me. He romances me with His love. His love is a song so sweet to me, sung over me. His banner over me is love. His love is patient, kind, slow to anger, quick to listen, slow to speak. What abounding love. Love that keeps no record of wrongs, covers a multitude of sins. Love that crowns me. In suffering, His eyes shed tears of love with me and for me. Through loss, His love steadies my feet.  He lifts me from the miry pit. His love carries me through the storm, comforts me in the wilderness, refreshes me in the desert. His love leads me. He leads me to green pastures and still waters. His love lifts me up, dances with me. His love moves me to be still and know that He is God. He will be exalted in the nations. Hope of Glory. Glorious is His renown love. He knows everyone by name, the number of hair on our head. His love is so intimate. His love quietly washes feet, unashamedly proclaims l-o-v-e on the Cross. His love came down. He is the Humble King. His love that meets me at the well. He is for me. His love that asks me for a drink. His love that fills my cup. It never runs dry. How deep. How long. How high. How wide. How perfect. How compassionate. His love that heals the demon-possessed, the blind, the bleeding, feeds the thousands...the multitudes. His love that feeds me. He is my Bread of life. His love that satiates, satisfies, soothes, steals everything of me to want all of Him. My All in all. My two small copper coins are gladly put in because His love is worth my everything. His love is better than life. I love because He loves me. He loved us first. He will always love us. He will never stop loving us. His love will not relent. God is love.

O how much He loves us...


God's promise.

"Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep.

The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them.

So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and they became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered; they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with none to search or to seek them.

I myself will search for My sheep and will seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness.

And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. And I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the ravines, and in all the inhabited places of the country. I will feed them with good pasture, and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing land.

There they shall lie down in good grazing land, and on rich pasture they shall feed on the mountains of Israel.

I myself will be the shepherd of My sheep, and I myself will make them lie down.

I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, and the fat and the strong I will destroy.

I will feed them in justice.

And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them. They shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beasts of the land devour them.

They shall dwell securely, and none shall make them afraid.

And you are My sheep, human sheep of My pasture, and I am your God."

-Ezekiel 34


Men of Justice

Awhile back over Chuseok (Korea's Thanksgiving), some of us went to Busan's red light districts. We wanted to see what the industry is like in other parts of Korea. It was different from other districts we've been to. But, it's all the same: Darkness, depravity, injustice, rejection, neglect, abuse, stifled cries. What's different: the individual lives of these precious men and women.

As we were walking in one area, we saw many Southeast Asian women. Our hearts were broken as we saw them waiting for men. We also saw many men from Central & West Asia.

We took some time to process what we had just seen and sat outside at a nearby cafe. My heart was aggressively being stirred as I saw 2 policemen a few feet away from us, a few feet away from the red light. I could not sit still and was urged to talk to them, to ask them how such injustice can be taking place so near to people appointed precisely for justice.

Below are some questions that were asked and the responses the policemen gave:

"What is going on in those streets?"
"Oh, it's for tourits who like shopping."
"But why are there women standing outside?"
"Tourists like it."
"So Korean men don't go?"
"No! Only foreigners go."
"What do women do there?"
(In a very hushed voice) "They're selling their bodies for sex."
"Is that legal or illegal in Korea?"
"Well, it's illegal but here it's ok."

More policemen joined our conversation. 1 pretended he had no idea what was going on in these streets and asked me to show him. Hesitant to walk through w/policemen, I decided to briefly walk w/them. They saw the women, the men, the pimps, the madams. At one point, a pimp was yelling profusely at us to get out. The policemen hurried us out in a gesture to protect us from this pimp.

Upon leaving, the policemen said, "I don't know what you're talking about. There is no illegal activity, no prostitution, no human trafficking. If we can't see it actually going on, it's not there."

At this point, I was flabberghasted and there was a righteous anger stirring in me. We continued to dialogue about this but there seemed to be an thick wall of apathy, deceit, arrogance, and pride in their country.

"You all are placed here to protect people. If I was in the streets and cried out for help, would you help me?"
"Yes, of course."
"These people are crying out but no one is listening to them. You are placed in positions of authority to execute justice."
"But we're only policemen. And we are so young."
"That is no excuse. You have authority. You have power. If you don't stand up for them, who will? I hope you will stand up for justice, not just for the people of Korea but for all people in this nation. I hope you will be men of honor and integrity."

There was 1 policeman who looked extremely bothered and his heart was heavy. It seemed that it was the 1st time he thought about this injustice. We continue to pray for this young man. Oh that he would be frustrated! That he would stand up!

We've been wondering where the men of Justice are. The men in the Church. The men in authority. Who will stand for Righteousness? Who will stand for Justice?

Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of His throne.

Our hearts are burdened. We believe there is a specific role for men to intercede and stand in the gap. Men play such a strategic role to be in authority and as leaders. Men can call out changes in a special way.There seems to be no gentle way to say, "Man up."

There is a supply because there is a demand. Brothers, would you stand with us and cry out for justice? Would you cry out for the men who are soliciting as pimps, customers, and government officials? Would you declare the Father's love for these fathers? Won't you petition for these men living in darkness? Won't you be proactive in praying for these precious souls? Won't you be bothered?