

"And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts."  -Haggai 2:7

Freedom, justice, healing, restoration, shalom, life are coming. I believe it. Would you believe with me?

I'm so excited for our last walk of 2010 tonight. We will see breakthrough that will overflow into 2011.

O Church, let us contend together. Let us usher in His kingdom. Maranatha!

I love how I can anticipate great things from my Great God.

Come thou long-expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear Desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a Child and yet a King.
Born to reign in us for ever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all-sufficient merit
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.



What hope we have in Jesus.

We had such a sweet time of worship before our walk on Friday. We prayed and prophesied over the area with Psalm 9:7-10.

"But the Lord sits enthroned forever, He has established His throne for justice, and He judges the world with righteousness; He judges the peoples with uprightness. The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You."

Our hearts grieve for the men, women, and children who are oppressed. There is a heaviness as we see the brokenness and depravity of this fallen world. As we go out each walk, we're so bothered by what we see. We read stories in the news that anger us.

We love the sinner. We hate the sin. We detest the injustice. We abhor the wickedness. We loathe the apathy, deception, greed, lies. We despise the corruption. We can't stand it that lives are being stolen.

But, Jesus is our Strongtower. Jesus is our hope, life, love, freedom, peace, refuge, rest, justice, joy, righteousness, redemption, victory.

We honor You, Jesus.


Prayer Walk FRI DEC 10th

We have so many wonderful things to share with you and update you on! Here we go....


1. (BETHANY) Bethany and her boyfriend came to the Thanksgiving Banquet at one of our local churches and it was truly a great evening. We had a good time talking and getting to know each other, sharing with them about the traditions of Thanksgiving, and watching them try turkey for the first time ever! Each day we see Bethany, we grow in love for her, and now for her boyfriend also. They are so precious...how much greater even is the Father's love for them! During the banquet, we sang a few worship songs and it was so fun watching them try to not feel awkward and try to read the English on screen fast enough to sing a few of the words. As I was watching, I was just praying that God would take every word they were saying and make it true for them. Though they didn't know the meaning, they were proclaiming that He is the Almighty and He is the Savior and He brings salvation. We claim it for them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying for Bethany (and for us through this). I know many of you don't know her, but you still love her like you do and you pray for her as if she is your own friend. We can't express how thankful we are for that!

2. (MISSION/VISION TRIP JAN 1-9, 2011) And possibly the biggest update yet....Unearthed is setting out on our first mission trip!! God placed it on our hearts and we jumped out in faith! Its all quite last minute, but He is showing us that He already has it all set up. Soooooo, to start off 2011 with a bang, we are going to Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand!! 3 of us will be going to serve at local ministries located in the red-light districts and slums. Our aim is to love and serve Thailand, bless the ministries there that are making such a difference in that nation, and get training on how we can better minister in Korea. PLEASE PRAY FOR US!! This is a huge step for our ministry, so we need your support! We will surely be keeping you updated on everything that transpires while we are there. We are already getting dreams and visions about what is going to happen and we are trusting the Lord for even more!

3. (12 DAY FAST) Too many big things are happening to not bring it before the Lord with prayer and fasting. So that is what we are doing. We felt the Lord pressing the number 12 on our hearts on multiple occasions, so starting on Dec. 12th (12/12) we will be fasting for 12 days. We want to press into Him for the remainder of the year, dedicate ourselves to extended times of prayer and petition for the upcoming mission trip, and cry out for more to be released and freedom to come to Korea in 2011. If you feel led, PLEASE join us in the fast! Whatever capacity you feel called to fast, whether it be 1 meal, 3 days or all 12 days, we welcome you to join! Please send us an email to let us know you are joining us so we can encourage each other together!

It's time for our biweekly walk, so again we are calling on our intercessors. Let me just tell you how important you are! I can tell you from experience that I have literally felt your prayers at different times throughout our walks. If you have ever doubted that your prayers make a difference, that is a lie! We need your continued commitment to interceding for us when we go out. There is no battle without the soldiers and weapons. You are Unearthed's soldiers and your prayers are our weapons!
Please pray for:

* Focus!!
* Increase in prophecy and words of knowledge. We want to minister to people in a way that they've never experienced before.
* Protection from witchcraft. We've been sensing that witchcraft and the occult is playing an even bigger role in the sex industry than we imagine and we want protection from all harm.
* Physical health for all Unearthed members. Quite a few are sick right now and we sense it is an attack to keep the group from bonding and growing closer.
* Men. Men. Men. Pray for men in Korea. Men in the church. Righteous men. Hurting and oppressed men. Hurtful men. All of them. Cry out. Weep for them!!

Korea Time: FRI Dec 10th 10:30pm - 1:30am
10:30-11:30: Prayer and Worship
11:30-1:00: Walking on the Streets
1:00-1:30: Debrief/Prayer

USA Time (CST): FRI Dec. 10th 8:30am - 11:30pm
7:30-8:30: Prayer and Worship
8:30-10:00: Walking on the Streets
10:00-10:30: Debrief/Prayer

Thank you everyone!!! We are more blessed than you know.
As always, when you are praying and fasting, if you feel the Lord is sharing anything to you, we would love for you to share it! Your encouragement SERIOUSLY blesses us...even if its a little email to say "Got it! I'm praying!" We love hearing from you!

Freedom is for everyone!
~Unearthed Team


Blood on the Door- Vision of LIFE!

Back in May I had an incredible vision of life about the red light districts.
Most of the windows in the Red Light Districts have not only red/pink lights, but also this red awning above the door. (As you can see in the picture below).

The vision was that these red awnings over the doors would be restored and transformed into the blood of the Lamb over the doorpost (as during Passover) so the spirit of death will not affect the lives of these women and men.

We know that the covering of the blood of Jesus is enough to save the lives of women and men and we are praying and believing that restoration is coming! In fact, it already is! We are just waiting for it to manifest on Earth.


Prayer Walk FRI NOV 26

Happy Thanksgiving to our prayer team (those of you that are American or celebrate thanksgiving). And still, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you because it is a season to be thankful for all that we have been so richly blessed with!! Here is what we are thankful for....

*Unearthed just passed the 1 year mark!!! We have seen how faithfully God has answered prayers. Prayers that we even forgot we prayed!
*Unearthed is moving into new and deeper levels! This past year was amazing and so fruitful. We feel even more is coming for the second year!
*Team members! We are soooooo thankful to have our faithful team members who give their time (so late at night!) and energy for this ministry. We LOVE serving with you all!
*Prayer team! Your prayers are invaluable. We know that Unearthed is seeing so much fruit because of your faithful prayers. We LOVE serving with you all!


1. (BETHANY) Bethany and her boyfriend will be joining us for a Thanksgiving Banquet with one of our churches. AMAZING!! This is a new level of trust we are reaching and we pray that they will both be so blessed! It seems like they are both really excited to hang out with us and learn about the holiday and eat American food. :) Please pray for good fellowship and conversation, and as always, deeper connections with Bethany. We really want to speak into her life and bless her. The banquet will be this Sunday (Nov. 28) evening!
2. (G20 SUMMIT WALK) The G20 Summit was 2 weeks ago, as you remember from our previous email. Our walk was amazing!! We had 12 people join the walk! It was the biggest Unearthed crew we have had to date, and it was on the 1 year anniversary. God is so FAITHFUL! We had great worship, received many prophetic words from the Lord, and felt a lot of fruit from the walk. Please continue to pray for our world leaders! Especially in the areas of lust, greed, adultery, lies, and witchcraft! We truly believe that something broke in the spirit that night and we are now walking into a new depth of ministry. AMEN!

We have 5 weeks left in 2010. We need to press in!! We really feel an urgency in our spirits that we should not just look to 2011 and let the rest of 2010 pass us by. God is asking "What do you want??" When we know what we want, we ask for it and go after it.
Things to pray for that we want...
1. Bethany!!! We want her to know her Father and have a deep friendship with us.
2. More committed members for Unearthed! We have some who will be leaving Korea in the near future and others that are having time conflicts right now. Pray for others to become aware of our ministry and that more people will join.
3. Grace and protection for our walk tonight. We want to be useful and strategic. Pray that we would even have divine appointments to pray for people.
4. FOCUS!! The area we walk is so easy to get distracted in. We need focus to pray and stay engaged.
5. Safety and grace for members who are unable to join us this week.

Korea Time: FRI NOV 26th 11:30pm - 2:30am
11:30-12:30: Prayer and Worship
12:30-2:00: Walking on the Streets
2:00-2:30: Debrief/Prayer

USA Time (CST): FRI NOV. 26th 8:30am - 11:30pm
8:30-9:30: Prayer and Worship
9:30-11:00: Walking on the Streets
11:00-11:30: Debrief/Prayer


Happy Birthday

Dearest Unearthed,

Happy 1 year Birthday! Joy filled our hearts as we celebrated 1 year last week. We've come such a long way. We are so thankful for the past year and anticipate greater thing to come. You are such a special blessing!

May you, Unearthed, always be filled with love for God and for His people. May you be used to bring transformation to this city, this nation, this world through the gospel of Jesus Christ. May you remain steadfast in interceding. May you glorify God.

You are so precious, Unearthed! There are so many people praying for you and with you. Keep on keeping on!


Not For Sale by Mickey Cho

Check out this song!! A supportive brother of Unearthed recently sent this link for a beautiful song, written about human slavery.  We need to support artists like this who are getting the message out!

[bandcamp track=2159639882 size=venti bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB]


Prayer Walk FRI 11/12

Its the time again for another blessed walk!! We have so many things to share. And our spirits are bursting with excitement and expectation...we know God is on the move in a mighty way!

**One note of encouragement to us all: This week at church someone talked about support raising and said... there is no guilt in raising support. It's a blessing for others to be able to partner.  It's an investment. They believe that I can change the world and any change that happens through me is also happening through those who give.

, dear intercessor, may not be walking on the streets of Seoul, but each prayer that you say for protection, blessing or encouragement is changing the world. We know that through Unearthed, history is being changed and shaped to reflect God's glory and it is NOT only happening through the Unearthed Team! If we didn't have you all supporting us we would not be where we are. So press in! Invest in what God is doing! And be blessed. We honor you and thank you for every prayer.

(G20 SUMMIT) The G20 Summit is a gathering of the world's top leaders discussing the international economic development and global economic stability. It'll be held in Seoul on Nov. 11-12th. The fact that this is being held in Korea, when there is so much going on politically, is so divine.  Our prayer walk is the same night and we believe that we will experience major change and breakthrough when we pray for these major international leaders. It is interesting that there is a summit discussing international economy and so much income in these nations comes from prostitution and trafficking. We need to pray that these leaders are awakened to the truth and will be used for change!

Believe with us that God is preparing a huge global movement to end human trafficking and it is going to come through some of these world leaders. Pray. Pray. Pray! Our spirits are so stirred for this walk, more than any other we've been on, and we know that God is faithful to hear our cries. Some prayer points to focus on:

-Leaders and people in authority would be awakened and have God's favor to bring about change
-Leaders would be aware of the trafficking that is happening in their own countries
-Leaders would be aware of the trafficking that is happening between their own countries and Korea
-Leaders would be disturbed by the statistics and numbers...disturbed to the point that they cannot let it go without action.

Korea Time: FRI NOV 12th 11:30pm - 2:00am
11:30-12:30: Prayer and Worship
12:30-1:30: Walking on the Streets
1:30-2:00: Debrief/Prayer

USA Time (CST): FRI NOV. 12th 9:30am - 12:00pm
9:30-10:30: Prayer and Worship
10:30-11:30: Walking on the Streets
11:30-12:00: Debrief/Prayer


Singing with Angels

So blessed by this song!!
This young man from Argentina and his wife began to just worship and minister to the Lord for hours and hours and hours in a recording studio. And soon, angels began to sing with them and it is captured in the recording. I love the depth and passion behind his singing. I have had this song on repeat and in my head for days.
I hope you are also blessed.



I love how God loves.

His love never fails. His love pursued, pursues, and will continue to pursue. Without fail. His love is not bothered by me, not annoyed with me, not tired of me. He wants me. He delights in me, cherishes me. His love jealously calls me His own. His love reaches me. His love accepts, embraces, adopts. Love that is not unashamed of me. His love forgives. His love cleanses. His love restores. His love heals. Love that declares freedom, ushers in liberty. The old is gone, the new has come. His love breathes new life. His love is so tender, so gentle. Such sweet love. No other love compares. His love speaks to the hidden tucked away in the corners and crevices of my heart, of all nations, of the world. His love gives. I am a recipient of His love. We are recipients of His love. They are recipients of His love. His love transforms. His love fills, fuels, frames, forms, finds. His love finds. His love found me. His love is forever. His love does not change, does not fluctuate, does not turn on and off. His love is not dependent on me, on what I do or don't do. His love is steadfast. His love beckons me, invites me. He romances me with His love. His love is a song so sweet to me, sung over me. His banner over me is love. His love is patient, kind, slow to anger, quick to listen, slow to speak. What abounding love. Love that keeps no record of wrongs, covers a multitude of sins. Love that crowns me. In suffering, His eyes shed tears of love with me and for me. Through loss, His love steadies my feet.  He lifts me from the miry pit. His love carries me through the storm, comforts me in the wilderness, refreshes me in the desert. His love leads me. He leads me to green pastures and still waters. His love lifts me up, dances with me. His love moves me to be still and know that He is God. He will be exalted in the nations. Hope of Glory. Glorious is His renown love. He knows everyone by name, the number of hair on our head. His love is so intimate. His love quietly washes feet, unashamedly proclaims l-o-v-e on the Cross. His love came down. He is the Humble King. His love that meets me at the well. He is for me. His love that asks me for a drink. His love that fills my cup. It never runs dry. How deep. How long. How high. How wide. How perfect. How compassionate. His love that heals the demon-possessed, the blind, the bleeding, feeds the thousands...the multitudes. His love that feeds me. He is my Bread of life. His love that satiates, satisfies, soothes, steals everything of me to want all of Him. My All in all. My two small copper coins are gladly put in because His love is worth my everything. His love is better than life. I love because He loves me. He loved us first. He will always love us. He will never stop loving us. His love will not relent. God is love.

O how much He loves us...


God's promise.

"Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep.

The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them.

So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and they became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered; they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with none to search or to seek them.

I myself will search for My sheep and will seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness.

And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. And I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the ravines, and in all the inhabited places of the country. I will feed them with good pasture, and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing land.

There they shall lie down in good grazing land, and on rich pasture they shall feed on the mountains of Israel.

I myself will be the shepherd of My sheep, and I myself will make them lie down.

I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, and the fat and the strong I will destroy.

I will feed them in justice.

And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them. They shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beasts of the land devour them.

They shall dwell securely, and none shall make them afraid.

And you are My sheep, human sheep of My pasture, and I am your God."

-Ezekiel 34


Men of Justice

Awhile back over Chuseok (Korea's Thanksgiving), some of us went to Busan's red light districts. We wanted to see what the industry is like in other parts of Korea. It was different from other districts we've been to. But, it's all the same: Darkness, depravity, injustice, rejection, neglect, abuse, stifled cries. What's different: the individual lives of these precious men and women.

As we were walking in one area, we saw many Southeast Asian women. Our hearts were broken as we saw them waiting for men. We also saw many men from Central & West Asia.

We took some time to process what we had just seen and sat outside at a nearby cafe. My heart was aggressively being stirred as I saw 2 policemen a few feet away from us, a few feet away from the red light. I could not sit still and was urged to talk to them, to ask them how such injustice can be taking place so near to people appointed precisely for justice.

Below are some questions that were asked and the responses the policemen gave:

"What is going on in those streets?"
"Oh, it's for tourits who like shopping."
"But why are there women standing outside?"
"Tourists like it."
"So Korean men don't go?"
"No! Only foreigners go."
"What do women do there?"
(In a very hushed voice) "They're selling their bodies for sex."
"Is that legal or illegal in Korea?"
"Well, it's illegal but here it's ok."

More policemen joined our conversation. 1 pretended he had no idea what was going on in these streets and asked me to show him. Hesitant to walk through w/policemen, I decided to briefly walk w/them. They saw the women, the men, the pimps, the madams. At one point, a pimp was yelling profusely at us to get out. The policemen hurried us out in a gesture to protect us from this pimp.

Upon leaving, the policemen said, "I don't know what you're talking about. There is no illegal activity, no prostitution, no human trafficking. If we can't see it actually going on, it's not there."

At this point, I was flabberghasted and there was a righteous anger stirring in me. We continued to dialogue about this but there seemed to be an thick wall of apathy, deceit, arrogance, and pride in their country.

"You all are placed here to protect people. If I was in the streets and cried out for help, would you help me?"
"Yes, of course."
"These people are crying out but no one is listening to them. You are placed in positions of authority to execute justice."
"But we're only policemen. And we are so young."
"That is no excuse. You have authority. You have power. If you don't stand up for them, who will? I hope you will stand up for justice, not just for the people of Korea but for all people in this nation. I hope you will be men of honor and integrity."

There was 1 policeman who looked extremely bothered and his heart was heavy. It seemed that it was the 1st time he thought about this injustice. We continue to pray for this young man. Oh that he would be frustrated! That he would stand up!

We've been wondering where the men of Justice are. The men in the Church. The men in authority. Who will stand for Righteousness? Who will stand for Justice?

Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of His throne.

Our hearts are burdened. We believe there is a specific role for men to intercede and stand in the gap. Men play such a strategic role to be in authority and as leaders. Men can call out changes in a special way.There seems to be no gentle way to say, "Man up."

There is a supply because there is a demand. Brothers, would you stand with us and cry out for justice? Would you cry out for the men who are soliciting as pimps, customers, and government officials? Would you declare the Father's love for these fathers? Won't you petition for these men living in darkness? Won't you be proactive in praying for these precious souls? Won't you be bothered?


Prayer Walk FRI 10/29

As God's favor and blessing continue to increase on our ministry, the enemy's attacks are also increasing. We are seeing more and more distraction and attack on the Unearthed Team. Obviously what we are doing is shaking the foundations in the spiritual realm and satan will try to attack at any cost. Recently, one of our sisters was riding in a taxi in Seoul, on her way to a church meeting, when the taxi driver pulled into an alley, locked the doors, and began to grab at her. Thankfully, she was able to escape with only a ripped shirt and the Lord has been blessing her with wisdom, grace and encouragement. BUT, we cannot stand for this!! The enemy cannot have our sisters! Nor our brothers! We desperately need your prayers in this season!

In light of the increased blessings and the increased attacks, we want to press on even harder in our prayers. But we NEED you to join with us!! We are asking you to please commit even more this week to prayer for our walk on Friday, for our team as we prepare for the walk, and for the area that we will be going into. Also, the Unearthed team will be fasting throughout the week and we encourage you to join with us. Seek the Lord about what fast you should do, but we know from the scriptures that certains kinds of demonic activity do not go out except by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21). Let's shake the foundations even more. God is moving....let's partner with what He is doing!

Korea Time: FRI OCT. 29th 11:30pm - 2:00am
11:30-12:30: Prayer and Worship
12:30-1:30: Walking on the Streets
1:30-2:00: Debrief/Prayer

USA Time (CST): FRI OCT. 29th 9:30am - 12:00pm
9:30-10:30: Prayer and Worship
10:30-11:30: Walking on the Streets
11:30-12:00: Debrief/Prayer

Revival is coming! Transformation is coming! Freedom has already been won! Thank you Jesus.


Church, where are you?

As God has shown me more and more of the brokenness in this world, I've been increasingly bothered.

I'm bothered by the immense need of the hurting, the lost, the rejected, the marginalized. I'm bothered by the fact that there are so many people who don't know Sweet Jesus. I'm bothered by the Church and its comfort. I'm bothered by the apathy. I'm bothered by the mentality of, "Later on." "Not me, someone else." "I'm too busy." "I don't have the burden now, maybe when God gives it to me."

I don't think it's cynicism. It's not pessimism. Rather, it's seeing Christ's Bride in her strength, power, and her calling. And I cannot help but wonder over and over again, where is the Church?

Church is not Sunday services, mid-week small groups, once a month ministry, weekly prayer meetings, yearly retreats, summer mission trips.

Are we just doing Church? Or are we being the Church?

Church, where are you?


Time Magazine Article

One of our sisters found this article and recommended it. I think its definitely worth your time! It tells stunning stories and statistics about the growing problem of prostitution and sex slavery all over the earth.

Click here to read the article called "Prostitution: The Skin Trade"


Crying on the street...Jesus' true character

This is an experience one of our Unearthed sisters had about a month ago. It's an amazingly heart wrenching and heartwarming story of love. A story that shows the true heart of Jesus!! We hope you are blessed, encouraged and stirred.

Since joining Unearthed, I've always sincerely believed that our prayers are changing things: places, men, women, spiritual climates, etc. However, I confess that I've overlooked the fact that our prayers are changing our own lives too.

For months, I've had the "inconvenience" of 2 options for my commute from our church's morning prayer to work: walk past the love motel, or walk past the drinking places. The love motel route is longer, but it's much more calm... you only see a few men in business attire fidgeting with their shirt buttons as they stumble outside, adverting their eyes from each person they pass. The second route takes me past several restaurants where people carry on chatting loudly, groping prostitutes, and taking shots at 7am each day of the week. It makes me uncomfortable, so I usually take the quiet way to work.

But recently I've been reading the gospels and God was reminding me to seek after the compassion of Jesus (Matthew 9:35-38)

35 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

I often pray for the laborers to be sent out, but I had a much clearer vision of how to pray for this recently when our pastor exhorted the congregation to have our "spiritual antennas" up. We reside in a mission field that is filled with people who are in need of healing. He pointed out: are you like the priest or the Levite? Walking on as you see somebody beaten and in need of healing?

With these things on my mind, I walked through the route that took me past the drinking places. I prayed, but when I got onto the main street (where all of the "dignified" commuters walk) I passed a woman who was screaming at the top of her lungs into her phone, cursing at somebody. She was clearly a prostitute, and her skin was so exposed that I could see this intense rash (it looked like psoriasis) covering her body. Her presence made me VERY uncomfortable, but I felt this conviction to speak love over her. So, I started praying that somebody would stop and do that (surely, there had to be at least 1 other Christian on such a crowded street). Like me, everybody was uncomfortable with her making such a scene.

I passed her, feeling this conviction in my stomach that was so intense that I felt sick. By the time I headed into the subway, I felt like I was going to pass out from the tightness in my stomach... so I went back up the stairs for a bit of air. I felt lighter as I went forward, and I soon realized that the closer I walked towards this woman... the better my stomach felt. I found her sitting on a stoop, weeping with shrieks that I didn't understand. I was so stressed/annoyed at this point, because I had no idea what to do... so finally I decided to sit beside her and put my arm around her. She flinched and shook me off, cursing at me and scooting away so that she could keep wailing. I sat there awkwardly for awhile and then I handed her a tissue, and my water bottle. Surprisingly, she took them and apologized to me curtly. I just nodded, and she stared at me... so I just kept nodding, trying not to cry too. Then she violently threw herself onto my lap, and just started crying all over my skirt. I was so uncomfortable because I kept thinking about how late I was going to be, and I kept watching people watching us.

Finally (I was just so embarrassed and frustrated by the situation) I started crying too. Then, I just started patting her head and praying for the both of us. I don't know if I'm jumping to conclusions, but I felt like she was nodding in agreement. Regardless, we cried there for awhile... until this guy (probably a pimp) came up... grabbed her off of me and threw her into a car. She was reaching for me, and screaming... but I just froze and felt so helpless. I just sat there after she went away, and cried and prayed. I was late to work, but by the grace of God... morning classes were canceled for an assembly.



Not a side project...

Loving people is not God's side project. It's not his weekend duty. He doesn't love people only when the Church gathers to pray. It's not another task to check off. It's not another seasonal ministry that He is committed to when time allows. His heart doesn't beat with passionate, pursuing love only when there are enough resources. God doesn't love because He finds some extra love to give. God doesn't love because it fits His schedule or matches His current category of interest. GOD IS LOVE.

If we really get this, our worlds will be rocked. The way we "do church", the way we pray, the way we see people, the way we live will be radically different. GOD IS LOVE.

As I understand this truth more, God shows me what it means to love my neighbors. He is showing me who my neighbors are. Church, who are our neighbors?

May we not ignore our neighbors. May we not forget them. May we not judge them. May we not turn away from them because they are "dirty", they are "dangerous," they are "different" from us.

They are not another project, not another outreach. They are deeply cherished sons and daughters of the Most High God. He sent His one and only Son for each of them. Jesus' precious blood was shed for them.



Prayer Walk FRIDAY 10/1

We have another walk upon us this week, so we are calling again for specific, strategic prayer! We have had a blessed month and God has been moving and revealing more and more to us.

1. We have been in frequent contact with JY and she is very excited for our next meeting. We will most likely be meeting with her again next week. Also, the Lord has put it on our hearts to give her an English name that prophetically calls out her destiny. We have been praying about the name "Bethany"...calling out that she is a woman who would pour out and "waste" all that she has at the feet of Jesus. Please pray for this and that she likes the name! :)

2. Some members went to Busan (a coastal city in southern Korea) last week for some ministry time. The Lord used the time for seed planting. We were able to talk to many people about what we were doing...taxi drivers, friends, and even police officers. The Lord came with boldness and we were able to talk for a while with 4 police officers about what is REALLY going on in the area. We also met one girl whose dream is to be a police officer and the Lord really moved on her heart as we shared what we do, and she asked to join us on your prayer walk in the red light district. Pray that God would win her heart for His kingdom and use her to change her country!!



This week's walk details:
(Korea time) Friday Oct. 1st 11:00pm - 1:00am

(USA central time)  Friday Oct. 1st 9:00am -11:00am

Please pray for:

1. Grace! We've moved back to the late times, so we need grace to be awake, alert and listening to the Holy Spirit.

2. Wisdom and guidance! This week we are going to try going out in small 2-3 member teams instead of one large group. Its our first time doing this, so pray that Holy Spirit leads all of us. We want divine revelation about what to pray for, look at, etc.

3. To be invisible! There is a chance that we could run into JY again when we are out and we don't want that. We feel that it wouldn't be a good thing to see her again because it could raise some suspicion. Pray that God would keep our paths separate and keep us invisible!

4. Team unity and love! God has been blessing us lately, but we want even deeper levels of trust, love and unity.


Thank you for standing with us in  prayer!!



And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
-Matthew 21:9

I was reading through this passage and then on the music playlist I heard one of my favorite songs...Hosanna by Hillsong...God was ministering to me through this word HOSANNA, so I decided to do a little word study about it. The word has two different meanings, each stemming from a different historical period.
The first is generally what I think of; the exclamation of praise to Jesus that the crowds shouted out when he was entering Jerusalem. Waving palm branches, singing praises to the Messiah.
The second is a cry of help, meaning "Save now!" It is an intense and imperative cry addressed to God. See Psalm 118:25.

As I was thinking about this word, I was thinking that we need to cry HOSANNA for this land. An intense and imperative cry...with all that we have, to cry out to the Lord for his safety. Its our only option; its imperative! We cry out "SAVE NOW!" Come now Father and save us. And also as a proclamation of worship and praise to Jesus, our King, our Savior.

Now, on her own, Korea seems silent in crying out for the sex industry, for transformation, for healing, for repentence. As intercessors we stand in the gap. We bring a voice when there is silence. LORD, WE WILL NOT BE SILENT!! We will cry out HOSANNA! Praise, glory and honor be to you Jesus. Save us now!


Ministry in Busan

Recently, a couple of us were able to go down to Busan, a coastal city in the south of Korea, to check out the scene and do some prayer walks/ministry times. After we process through a few things, we will update you with stories.

The time was very fruitful and God is solidifying things in our hearts even more. He is always so faithful to reveal and speak to us and this time was no exception. The industry in Busan felt different than in Seoul and we were able to learn other dimensions of the problem that is affecting Korea.

Please continue to pray for this nation, for this ministry and for God to break in with transformation!! He is a faithful and powerful God and it is in His will to see Korea restored to her rightful destiny.



God's providence is perfect. Our last walk testifies to this truth. The meeting place, the route, timing, pace of our walking, the fact that it was only sisters, the clearing of the typhoon...everything! (Seoul was hit with a typhoon and we were unsure if we should still go out)

Our walks are normally with brothers. But this time, they were unable to join us. In fact, one came to our prayer time before the actual prayerwalk but received a call from his boss so he had to leave early. Little did we know how God was setting things up for us that night...

As we walked, everything looked different from before. There were new buildings, renovations, "less going on." Holy Spirit reminded me that though it looks different on the outside, I should not be deceived. I was convicted of our vision: holistic transformation. We're not wanting to see just outside changes, men and women working different jobs, these business closing down. God is calling forth holistic transformation through Jesus Christ. This is not impossible. This is possible. And He wants it. We want it.

Throughout the night, HS highlighted the women who are working in these bars and room salons. We wrapped up our time in the area by closing in prayer with our eyes open. As one sister was praying, a woman walked over to us from across the street. (I was nervous as I saw her walk over to us. We had gotten approached before by pimps so I was readying myself in how to respond to whatever she had to say to us) We had noticed her earlier and were praying for her as we saw her approach various men. To our amazement and shock, she approached us! She invited us to kareoke with the male hosts. She gave us the prices of singing, alcohol, and also the extra fee for going to a motel afterwards with the guy. Btw, if you are confused and wondering: Yes, there's male prostitution. It's actually pretty big in Japan and Korea and growing. After dialoguing for awhile, we exchanged phone numbers. Again, she was the first to initiate in getting our contact!

We are praying God's love over His precious daughter. We are excited to befriend her and simply love her. Would you pray for JY? Pray that God would be stirring her heart even now, dreams and visions, openness as we meet with her. May she come to treasure Jesus as her everything. What's cool is that we fully believe JY is a woman of influence. We quickly observed this as we were watching her. Let us pray that JY would be raised up to be a woman who would stand for righteousness and justice! God is jealous for JY. Unlike any other loves, His love for her is perfect...


Thurs. 9/2 Prayer Walk

Praise God for answering our prayers about finding a set day, time and place for our prayer walks! He is so faithful.We will be walking every other Thursday at 7:30pm, until approximately 10-11pm. Please join with us in prayer. Here are this weeks details and prayer requests.

DETAILS: Thursday Sept. 2
(Korea Time) 7:30pm - 11:00pm
(USA Time CST)
5:30am - 9:00am
I know its early for some of you all in the States, but if you can, please commit to praying while you are in the shower, on your way to work, etc. We need your prayers and we feel them!!

1. Safety and Protection: there is a typhoon rolling through Korea tomorrow so pray our walk doesn't have to be canceled and our safety and spiritual protection as we walk
2. Insight and strategy: the area we will be walking in is a more "prominent" area in Seoul, frequented by high-class business men. Pray that we will know how to pray, where to walk, etc.
3: Revelation: we want the Lord to speak specifically to us about His heart/plans/thoughts
4. Strategic wisdom about how to proceed as our group grows in size

Thank you for your faithfulness. Keep checking the blog for updates and testimonies from our walks, and more about what the Lord is doing in Seoul.

Blessings to you from the whole Unearthed Team!!

Desperate and lost

Last Saturday night, 2 members of the group went on a scouting/prayer walk to one of the most notoriously "dark" areas in Seoul.  We went out to see if this could be a potential area for future prayer walks, and it proved to be an area of great need. This area houses many foreigners, is near to the U.S. military base, and is known for its clubs, gay bars and prostitution street called "hooker hill."

Our first experience of the night was at the muslim mosque. As we were casually walking past to look at it, many people were going in for the nightly call to prayer for the Ramadan season. We decided to ask if we could go inside, and they said yes. So we walked up to look at the mosque itself, which is hidden from the road, and then we proceeded to go in for the prayer call. After almost wrongly entering the men's prayer section, we went up to where the women were, put on our head coverings, and stood in a line to prayer. We were calling on the name of Jesus to be made known and for eyes to be opened. The overwhelming sense of saddness for these people was so strong...everyone so ritually praying to a false god. We know that as we speak to the Lord, he responds and we hear him. But does this god speak back?? Do they hear from him? If only these people's dedication to prayer and fasting would be directed to Jesus!!

After the mosque, we walked down what is called "hooker hill"...a place known well by many foreign, and Korean, men in Seoul. Though this is supposedly not a true "Red Light District", it was lined up and down with bars offering much more than just drinks. We saw many men walking up and down the street, searching for the right girl, or the right price. We saw one foreign man in particular who looked so completely desperate that we literally felt sick to our stomachs watching him. The loneliness and desperation on his face was terrible. As we watched him for a while, he strolled alone down this street, then down the neighboring street lined with gay bars, never finding anything to satisfy him.

There is a city...a nation...a world...full of lost people. Desperate to find something more. Desperate to find someone to share with, talk to, love. Our one reaction the entire night was "Uh. Oh, Lord have mercy!"

Though this is all heavy and heart-wrenching, we are so thankful to the Lord for revealing things to us. He is revealing the depravity of man. He is revealing His heart for His people. He is revealing what He is calling us to do in this hour. Thank you Father for your faithfulness, for never giving up on the ones you love, and for opening our eyes and ears to see and hear what you do.

I love this song by Kim Walker. "It is finished. He has done it." Amen. Amen.


When we ask, He speaks: Korea's Destiny

When we were on our walk last week, we were asking God to speak to us what He thinks and feels about Korea and the people affected by the sex industry. He is so faithful to answer when we ask Him! How blessed are we that we can so intimately hear the voice of such a powerful and awesome God. I am humbled every time.

During the walk, as I was asking Him to speak to me, I heard Him so clearly in my spirit and I was deeply stirred.
He spoke to me that this nation is like a young child....a child who wants to eat only candy for dinner. This child thinks that candy is his greatest desire and thinks that eating it for dinner will be ok. But he doesn't realize that if he does eat it, it will make him sick and he will regret it.  Right now this nation is like a young, immature child who doesn't understand the consequences of her actions. Korea is "eating her candy for dinner" and is not yet aware that soon she will become sick and will regret her decision. Right now, sex and pleasure is her "candy" and she thinks that there will be no consequences to enjoying something that is so satisfying.

But He also said "But I still have a destiny for them! Pray them into their destiny!" A parent prays for their child to grow up to be a godly man or woman and asks God to give them all of His best. In this same way, God stirred in my spirit that we need to pray for Korea's destiny (and for each individual that is involved in the sex industry). We need to pray that she would "grow up" to be a righteous nation, to fear and love the Lord, to walk in the path that He has set for her.

We have a choice! We can watch as Korea and her people lead themselves into destruction, sickness and regret. Or we can pray that they would walk into the amazing destiny that God has for them. This is an hour in which we get to play a key role in the history of this nation.  I feel so strongly in my spirit that NOW is the time when history is being written, and we can let it continue on its current path, or we can change it. As intercessors and followers of Jesus, this is what we do! We cry out for the nations. We stand in the gap. We proclaim the truth. "PRAY THEM INTO THEIR DESTINY!"

Psalm 2: 8...Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession.

Let us continue to stand in the gap and cry out for mercy, justice and righteousness! Surely, in His goodness He will respond!


Thank You

We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who is supporting us and praying for us! Our prayer walk this Friday was amazing and we felt all of your prayers!

The Lord's presence was strong during our prayer time together and our walk on the streets was full of revelation, divine leading and divine appointments. There was so much team unity and the atmosphere was lighter. We will be posting some more specific testimonies shortly.

We couldn't do this without you, so thank you for your continued support and prayer covering. We are changing the course of this nation. We are changing the course of this nation!! We are claiming that truth as ours.

For His Glory,
Unearthed Team


Friday Aug. 20 Walk

We are headed back to the streets to do a prayer walk. We would love for you to join us in prayer as we go out.

The Lord has pressed on our hearts the absolute necessity to have faithful intercessors to cover us as we walk into the midst of heavy darkness. The enemy has a strong grip over this nation right now, but our prayers are mighty and our God is great! We are desperate for you to join us in prayer and fasting, before and during our prayer walk.

DETAILS: (SEOUL time)     Friday, Aug. 20th. 11 pm - 2 am
(USA time- CST) Friday, Aug. 20th. 9 am-12 noon

Prayer Points:
- Team Unity and closeness
- God to lead us where to go, what/who to pray for while we are walking
- Focus! It's easy to get distracted when there is so much visual stimulation around with lights and people, but we want to be focused and spiritually in tune to the movings of Holy Spirit
- Protection, physical and spiritual. It's late at night, its sin and darkness, we need the Lord's hand upon us.

More updates and testimonies to come after the walk! Thank you faithful intercessors.


The Lord's Leadership

As you may have noticed, we've had a lack of postings and updates lately.  Many of our members recently went on amazing mission trips and vacations all around Asia, and we have also felt a leading from the Lord to seek Him in prayer about details of the ministry.

We have many questions about when, where, how, how often...honestly, at times it is kind of frustrating to still not know.  But, as I was thinking about all of these questions this past weekend, I suddenly became aware of how thankful I am that God is the one who is leading it all. Though I may stress and worry over these logistical things, I am certain that the Lord, in His perfect leadership, has everything in His control and He is faithful to reveal answers to us in His perfect timing. Knowing that I don't have to try to figure it out all on my own is such a relief and it fills me with gratitude.

While eating brunch with another sister in the group, she shared with me something a woman told her while she was on a mission trip a few weeks ago. The woman lives with her husband and children in a foreign country as missionaries and she often questions if they are doing the right thing, or what should they be doing next, etc. She said that her husband often reminds her to "go back to the last thing the Lord said to them" and stay there until He says something different.  Such refreshing wisdom! As we question things in Unearthed, we just have to go back to the last thing God said, and rest there. The last thing He said was "pray".  So that is what we will do. We will pray and we will trust in His leadership.

With that said...we are waiting on Him for more concrete details. We would love for you to join with us in praying for His wisdom and His revelation about our next steps as a ministry. If you would like to be added to our email list for prayer requests and ministry updates, please send us your information at UnearthedSeoul@gmail.com.


Will you pray for us?

Unearthed will be going out at night for the first time this Friday at 7:30 pm (Korea time).

Below are specific ways you can pray for us:

  • Greater love for Jesus

  • Strategic Wisdom/Revelation

  • Spiritual & Physical protection

  • More prayer support

  • Love for the people

From 1 brother to another brother

This was written by one of the brothers in the group.

From a guys perspective, looking at the Red Light Districts of Korea, we tend to not think much of it because in a sense, it does seem like its a business. We are paying customers. We pay money in exchange for a service. Its very easy to be apathetic and to overlook whatever is going on inside those rooms. Because of this reason, its fun to make jokes and not really care about whats going on on a deeper level.

As a guy, I usually pray for awareness; that men, especially christian men, will be disgusted with what they see. Recently, pornography has been on my mind. As with drugs, no one just decides one day that they are going to smoke crack cocaine. They first start with a cigarette or a joint, then its lead to something else and so on. I remember in my D.A.R.E. class in elementary school, the teachers would say that cigarettes are gateway drugs. I feel the same way with pornography. I don't think that anyone wakes up one day and says they went to go have sex with a prostitute. I think it starts with small simple things like porn, then it leads to something else and so on. Then they find themselves in such a pit and have had their minds and bodies so polluted, sex with a prostitute isn't such a bad thing. Their consciences have been seared. So recently, I've been praying against pornography, lust of the flesh, etc., especially within the church. In america, they say the divorce rate amongst Christians is close to, if not the same as the divorce rate of those outside the church. It is the exact same thing with porn. The percentage of men in the church looking at porn is close to, if not the same as, those outside the church. So i think the root of the problem of Red Light Districts, massage parlors, etc, is porn. And because Christian men struggle with it, they feel unfit or guilty to take a stand. And if Christian men won't take a stand, who will?

Thank you, Saints.

Many thanks to those who came out to Jubilee's missions prayer meeting! Twas beautiful to see the Body come together and pray.

It was wonderful to share publicly for the first time. We hope and pray that it was a fruitful time. Please continue to pray, knowing that our King has full reign and victory.

May it never be about Unearthed and our work...but all recognition to the King and His incredible story of Redemption.


Justice will be served

"...Who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind...The Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow, but He thwarts the way of the wicked." - Psalm 146: 7-9

"Now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly."  -Luke 18: 7-8

My heart has been stirred this week about the idea of justice. Clearly Holy Spirit is speaking to me about this issue, but two things in the physical realm also triggered my thoughts.

1. On our prayer-walk through the RLD this past week, we noticed for the first time that at the end of the RLD, in plain view of everything that happens, is a police station. Prostitution is illegal in Korea, yet across the street from a RLD is a police station and things just go on as normal?!?!?! How can this be??
It's because we live in a world full of corrupt humans, corrupt governments and corrupt justice systems. The more I research into the sex industry in Korea, and across the globe for that matter, the more I realize just how much corruption there is...corruption in every possible arena you can think of.

2. This week in Korea was elections.  Everywhere was swirling with promotional banners, volunteers handing out fliers, trucks driving around to advertise candidates, etc. I'm not a citizen, so I can't vote. And I'm not even Korean, so why should I care about elections?? I care because I want to see God place righteous people in the places of authority in this country. Ones who will finally stand for truth and tear down the strongholds of corruption.
Ah, how my heart burns to see righteous leaders lifted up!!!

God's kindness is what leads to repentance. This is why we pray for God's love and mercy to come down. Each week that we do these prayer-walks, we see the prisoners. We see the oppressed. We see the fatherless. We see the strangers. We see the blind. And our hearts are broken. So we cry out. We cry out for God to thwart the way of the wicked and quickly bring His justice. HIS perfect, holy and righteous justice.


Prayer Night at Jubilee Church - Presenting Unearthed:Seoul

Unearthed:Seoul will be sharing about our ministry and experiences at Jubilee Church on June 6th at 6:30 pm.  This will be our first official public presentation.  If you need more information, please contact us at UnearthedSeoul@gmail.com.

Click on the link for directions to Jubilee.


Arms wide open.

We went out again this past Saturday. It's so cool how God shows us something so different each time.

2 people stood out to me: 1 man in the car and 1 lady in the window. The man's car was parked in front of her. He was looking at her.  His car windows were tinted very dark but when passing by his car, I looked right into his window and saw his eyes. In those short moments, I could see an intense craving. It was dark and scary. His eyes looked that of an animal, waiting to prey and pounce.

There was a different lady in the window than the one we saw sitting there last time. As we took some extended time to pray over the area, I kept praying God's love over her.

"And then I saw Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at me. I saw Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at me. He was looking at me, looking at Him, staring through me. I could not escape those beautiful eyes. And I began to weep and weep. He had arms wide open, a heart exposed. Arms wide open. He was bleeding, bleeding. Love's definition was looking at me."

As she spends hours waiting for men, looking at them as they stare at her. I pray that she would see Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at her, staring through her...arms wide open.

"You shall love Me."




A few weeks back, on one of our walks, we saw 4 young men. They looked university-age. They went window to window, asking for the prices and bargaining to get the best deal. 1 boy immediately stood out to me. He was wearing a striped polo shirt. He looked so much like a follower. It seemed to be his first time in a RLD. He seemed nervous, curious, and submissive to the other 3 boys. There was a system of hierarchy: the dongseng and the hyungs. As they went from window to window, we were praying for rejection. We asked for rejection from the women and for frustration...that they would give up and leave the RLD. Seeing their persistence was heart-breaking. Little did they know how much the enemy was laughing and how the much the Father was weeping.

As we continued to pray, God led us to pray over specific needs. What stood out to me was Rejection. Rejection from their earthly fathers. They are father-less. They've been abandoned, neglected, unloved.

In the end, the striped-shirt boy went into the room while the 3 others were waiting outside for him. We prayed for a deep dissatisfaction.

It was obvious that the boy was craving something. Whether it'd be craving for the exhiliration of trying something new, something more "manly". Or craving acceptance from the "hyungs." Or a fleshly craving.

I wish I could tell him, "Drink the water that Jesus gives. You will never be thirsty forever. Your Heavenly Father is inviting you...you aren't rejected. O how He loves you..."



We rest on ONE truth

"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. "
-1 Corinthians 15:57

As we pray for things like prostitution and sex trafficking- issues that are just so big- it can easily becoming discouraging or disappointing because we don't often see significant change. But, with each and every prayer, the spiritual realm shifts and our Father in Heaven is glorified.

We know that our war is not waged against the flesh. It is not waged against the world. Our fight is against the principalities of darkness that rule until Jesus comes back. So until then, we rest in the assurance that it is through HIM that we have victory.

It is the Cross that gives us the strength to endure and press on. It is upon the Cross that we gaze, with unending devotion and thanks.


Planting seeds.

We had our 1st official walk last Sunday. We walked around the perimeter and then once we got to the opening of the RLD, I walked through alone. Due to the lack of sisters, we weren’t sure if I should walk through or not. But we decided it would be ok since the street was pretty empty, public, and open (I’m not sure if this is good or bad..that the RLD is so open). Walking through, I found myself very alert, walking rather quickly,  intimidated, while at the same time trying to focus on praying. Honestly, it was pretty tough. I won’t do it alone again. One thing became very clear..we need more prayer partners (brothers and sisters). (Strategically, the brothers will be on the perimeters praying while the sisters will be walking through.)

On the outside, the streets seem alright. Perhaps it’s because it was the morning or because there weren’t many people out that we thought it was “safe” and “ok”..but this is a deception. The reality is that it’s not safe. It’s not ok. There is something really serious and something really wrong going on. There’s so much weight to the depravity. I’m still processing this.

Though it was the shortest walk out of all the other walks in the RLD’s, I was reminded that Unearthed is about planting seeds. We may never see the fruit to our prayers. We may never engage with the men or women. We may never see the Church mobilized. We may never have others partner with us. BUT, we believe, ask, and receive in faith. Greater things are to come.

In the beginning stages of Unearthed, someone shared with us, “You guys may be the answer to other people’s prayers, and others later on may be the answer to your prayers.”

We are planting seeds. Yes, it’s in a very dark area. Yes, the soil may be full of thorns and rocks. But, we trust in Jesus…He is the Light of the world, He is the Living Water. Jesus can bring life to these small seeds.



Grace upon grace.

Looking back, I see God's imprints of grace upon grace on these past several months.

There have been so many times of questioning, confusion, uncertainty, discouragement, loneliness, closed doors.

The lessons learned are many, but perhaps the most resounding is: Prayer.

Even for a prayer ministry, prayer has got to be the fuel. Perseverance in prayer. Faith by prayer. Love through prayer. Vision from prayer. Passion out of prayer.

Jesus, thank You for authoring Unearthed. Thank You for using us. Thank You for what You have in store. Thank You for loving us, for loving them. Thank You that You are redeeming all creation.

"The world is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." -Psalm 24

All for Jesus,
