

God's providence is perfect. Our last walk testifies to this truth. The meeting place, the route, timing, pace of our walking, the fact that it was only sisters, the clearing of the typhoon...everything! (Seoul was hit with a typhoon and we were unsure if we should still go out)

Our walks are normally with brothers. But this time, they were unable to join us. In fact, one came to our prayer time before the actual prayerwalk but received a call from his boss so he had to leave early. Little did we know how God was setting things up for us that night...

As we walked, everything looked different from before. There were new buildings, renovations, "less going on." Holy Spirit reminded me that though it looks different on the outside, I should not be deceived. I was convicted of our vision: holistic transformation. We're not wanting to see just outside changes, men and women working different jobs, these business closing down. God is calling forth holistic transformation through Jesus Christ. This is not impossible. This is possible. And He wants it. We want it.

Throughout the night, HS highlighted the women who are working in these bars and room salons. We wrapped up our time in the area by closing in prayer with our eyes open. As one sister was praying, a woman walked over to us from across the street. (I was nervous as I saw her walk over to us. We had gotten approached before by pimps so I was readying myself in how to respond to whatever she had to say to us) We had noticed her earlier and were praying for her as we saw her approach various men. To our amazement and shock, she approached us! She invited us to kareoke with the male hosts. She gave us the prices of singing, alcohol, and also the extra fee for going to a motel afterwards with the guy. Btw, if you are confused and wondering: Yes, there's male prostitution. It's actually pretty big in Japan and Korea and growing. After dialoguing for awhile, we exchanged phone numbers. Again, she was the first to initiate in getting our contact!

We are praying God's love over His precious daughter. We are excited to befriend her and simply love her. Would you pray for JY? Pray that God would be stirring her heart even now, dreams and visions, openness as we meet with her. May she come to treasure Jesus as her everything. What's cool is that we fully believe JY is a woman of influence. We quickly observed this as we were watching her. Let us pray that JY would be raised up to be a woman who would stand for righteousness and justice! God is jealous for JY. Unlike any other loves, His love for her is perfect...


  1. This is such a wonderful testimony! God really provides and is faithful to answer. Praise the Lord for what is happening with this ministry!

  2. Elle thanks for writing this up- it TRULY was the HS's leading in every single way...what a testimony to His power & absolutely perfect timing!
