
Prayer Walk FRIDAY 10/1

We have another walk upon us this week, so we are calling again for specific, strategic prayer! We have had a blessed month and God has been moving and revealing more and more to us.

1. We have been in frequent contact with JY and she is very excited for our next meeting. We will most likely be meeting with her again next week. Also, the Lord has put it on our hearts to give her an English name that prophetically calls out her destiny. We have been praying about the name "Bethany"...calling out that she is a woman who would pour out and "waste" all that she has at the feet of Jesus. Please pray for this and that she likes the name! :)

2. Some members went to Busan (a coastal city in southern Korea) last week for some ministry time. The Lord used the time for seed planting. We were able to talk to many people about what we were doing...taxi drivers, friends, and even police officers. The Lord came with boldness and we were able to talk for a while with 4 police officers about what is REALLY going on in the area. We also met one girl whose dream is to be a police officer and the Lord really moved on her heart as we shared what we do, and she asked to join us on your prayer walk in the red light district. Pray that God would win her heart for His kingdom and use her to change her country!!



This week's walk details:
(Korea time) Friday Oct. 1st 11:00pm - 1:00am

(USA central time)  Friday Oct. 1st 9:00am -11:00am

Please pray for:

1. Grace! We've moved back to the late times, so we need grace to be awake, alert and listening to the Holy Spirit.

2. Wisdom and guidance! This week we are going to try going out in small 2-3 member teams instead of one large group. Its our first time doing this, so pray that Holy Spirit leads all of us. We want divine revelation about what to pray for, look at, etc.

3. To be invisible! There is a chance that we could run into JY again when we are out and we don't want that. We feel that it wouldn't be a good thing to see her again because it could raise some suspicion. Pray that God would keep our paths separate and keep us invisible!

4. Team unity and love! God has been blessing us lately, but we want even deeper levels of trust, love and unity.


Thank you for standing with us in  prayer!!



And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
-Matthew 21:9

I was reading through this passage and then on the music playlist I heard one of my favorite songs...Hosanna by Hillsong...God was ministering to me through this word HOSANNA, so I decided to do a little word study about it. The word has two different meanings, each stemming from a different historical period.
The first is generally what I think of; the exclamation of praise to Jesus that the crowds shouted out when he was entering Jerusalem. Waving palm branches, singing praises to the Messiah.
The second is a cry of help, meaning "Save now!" It is an intense and imperative cry addressed to God. See Psalm 118:25.

As I was thinking about this word, I was thinking that we need to cry HOSANNA for this land. An intense and imperative cry...with all that we have, to cry out to the Lord for his safety. Its our only option; its imperative! We cry out "SAVE NOW!" Come now Father and save us. And also as a proclamation of worship and praise to Jesus, our King, our Savior.

Now, on her own, Korea seems silent in crying out for the sex industry, for transformation, for healing, for repentence. As intercessors we stand in the gap. We bring a voice when there is silence. LORD, WE WILL NOT BE SILENT!! We will cry out HOSANNA! Praise, glory and honor be to you Jesus. Save us now!


Ministry in Busan

Recently, a couple of us were able to go down to Busan, a coastal city in the south of Korea, to check out the scene and do some prayer walks/ministry times. After we process through a few things, we will update you with stories.

The time was very fruitful and God is solidifying things in our hearts even more. He is always so faithful to reveal and speak to us and this time was no exception. The industry in Busan felt different than in Seoul and we were able to learn other dimensions of the problem that is affecting Korea.

Please continue to pray for this nation, for this ministry and for God to break in with transformation!! He is a faithful and powerful God and it is in His will to see Korea restored to her rightful destiny.



God's providence is perfect. Our last walk testifies to this truth. The meeting place, the route, timing, pace of our walking, the fact that it was only sisters, the clearing of the typhoon...everything! (Seoul was hit with a typhoon and we were unsure if we should still go out)

Our walks are normally with brothers. But this time, they were unable to join us. In fact, one came to our prayer time before the actual prayerwalk but received a call from his boss so he had to leave early. Little did we know how God was setting things up for us that night...

As we walked, everything looked different from before. There were new buildings, renovations, "less going on." Holy Spirit reminded me that though it looks different on the outside, I should not be deceived. I was convicted of our vision: holistic transformation. We're not wanting to see just outside changes, men and women working different jobs, these business closing down. God is calling forth holistic transformation through Jesus Christ. This is not impossible. This is possible. And He wants it. We want it.

Throughout the night, HS highlighted the women who are working in these bars and room salons. We wrapped up our time in the area by closing in prayer with our eyes open. As one sister was praying, a woman walked over to us from across the street. (I was nervous as I saw her walk over to us. We had gotten approached before by pimps so I was readying myself in how to respond to whatever she had to say to us) We had noticed her earlier and were praying for her as we saw her approach various men. To our amazement and shock, she approached us! She invited us to kareoke with the male hosts. She gave us the prices of singing, alcohol, and also the extra fee for going to a motel afterwards with the guy. Btw, if you are confused and wondering: Yes, there's male prostitution. It's actually pretty big in Japan and Korea and growing. After dialoguing for awhile, we exchanged phone numbers. Again, she was the first to initiate in getting our contact!

We are praying God's love over His precious daughter. We are excited to befriend her and simply love her. Would you pray for JY? Pray that God would be stirring her heart even now, dreams and visions, openness as we meet with her. May she come to treasure Jesus as her everything. What's cool is that we fully believe JY is a woman of influence. We quickly observed this as we were watching her. Let us pray that JY would be raised up to be a woman who would stand for righteousness and justice! God is jealous for JY. Unlike any other loves, His love for her is perfect...


Thurs. 9/2 Prayer Walk

Praise God for answering our prayers about finding a set day, time and place for our prayer walks! He is so faithful.We will be walking every other Thursday at 7:30pm, until approximately 10-11pm. Please join with us in prayer. Here are this weeks details and prayer requests.

DETAILS: Thursday Sept. 2
(Korea Time) 7:30pm - 11:00pm
(USA Time CST)
5:30am - 9:00am
I know its early for some of you all in the States, but if you can, please commit to praying while you are in the shower, on your way to work, etc. We need your prayers and we feel them!!

1. Safety and Protection: there is a typhoon rolling through Korea tomorrow so pray our walk doesn't have to be canceled and our safety and spiritual protection as we walk
2. Insight and strategy: the area we will be walking in is a more "prominent" area in Seoul, frequented by high-class business men. Pray that we will know how to pray, where to walk, etc.
3: Revelation: we want the Lord to speak specifically to us about His heart/plans/thoughts
4. Strategic wisdom about how to proceed as our group grows in size

Thank you for your faithfulness. Keep checking the blog for updates and testimonies from our walks, and more about what the Lord is doing in Seoul.

Blessings to you from the whole Unearthed Team!!

Desperate and lost

Last Saturday night, 2 members of the group went on a scouting/prayer walk to one of the most notoriously "dark" areas in Seoul.  We went out to see if this could be a potential area for future prayer walks, and it proved to be an area of great need. This area houses many foreigners, is near to the U.S. military base, and is known for its clubs, gay bars and prostitution street called "hooker hill."

Our first experience of the night was at the muslim mosque. As we were casually walking past to look at it, many people were going in for the nightly call to prayer for the Ramadan season. We decided to ask if we could go inside, and they said yes. So we walked up to look at the mosque itself, which is hidden from the road, and then we proceeded to go in for the prayer call. After almost wrongly entering the men's prayer section, we went up to where the women were, put on our head coverings, and stood in a line to prayer. We were calling on the name of Jesus to be made known and for eyes to be opened. The overwhelming sense of saddness for these people was so strong...everyone so ritually praying to a false god. We know that as we speak to the Lord, he responds and we hear him. But does this god speak back?? Do they hear from him? If only these people's dedication to prayer and fasting would be directed to Jesus!!

After the mosque, we walked down what is called "hooker hill"...a place known well by many foreign, and Korean, men in Seoul. Though this is supposedly not a true "Red Light District", it was lined up and down with bars offering much more than just drinks. We saw many men walking up and down the street, searching for the right girl, or the right price. We saw one foreign man in particular who looked so completely desperate that we literally felt sick to our stomachs watching him. The loneliness and desperation on his face was terrible. As we watched him for a while, he strolled alone down this street, then down the neighboring street lined with gay bars, never finding anything to satisfy him.

There is a city...a nation...a world...full of lost people. Desperate to find something more. Desperate to find someone to share with, talk to, love. Our one reaction the entire night was "Uh. Oh, Lord have mercy!"

Though this is all heavy and heart-wrenching, we are so thankful to the Lord for revealing things to us. He is revealing the depravity of man. He is revealing His heart for His people. He is revealing what He is calling us to do in this hour. Thank you Father for your faithfulness, for never giving up on the ones you love, and for opening our eyes and ears to see and hear what you do.

I love this song by Kim Walker. "It is finished. He has done it." Amen. Amen.