
Will you pray for us?

Unearthed will be going out at night for the first time this Friday at 7:30 pm (Korea time).

Below are specific ways you can pray for us:

  • Greater love for Jesus

  • Strategic Wisdom/Revelation

  • Spiritual & Physical protection

  • More prayer support

  • Love for the people

From 1 brother to another brother

This was written by one of the brothers in the group.

From a guys perspective, looking at the Red Light Districts of Korea, we tend to not think much of it because in a sense, it does seem like its a business. We are paying customers. We pay money in exchange for a service. Its very easy to be apathetic and to overlook whatever is going on inside those rooms. Because of this reason, its fun to make jokes and not really care about whats going on on a deeper level.

As a guy, I usually pray for awareness; that men, especially christian men, will be disgusted with what they see. Recently, pornography has been on my mind. As with drugs, no one just decides one day that they are going to smoke crack cocaine. They first start with a cigarette or a joint, then its lead to something else and so on. I remember in my D.A.R.E. class in elementary school, the teachers would say that cigarettes are gateway drugs. I feel the same way with pornography. I don't think that anyone wakes up one day and says they went to go have sex with a prostitute. I think it starts with small simple things like porn, then it leads to something else and so on. Then they find themselves in such a pit and have had their minds and bodies so polluted, sex with a prostitute isn't such a bad thing. Their consciences have been seared. So recently, I've been praying against pornography, lust of the flesh, etc., especially within the church. In america, they say the divorce rate amongst Christians is close to, if not the same as the divorce rate of those outside the church. It is the exact same thing with porn. The percentage of men in the church looking at porn is close to, if not the same as, those outside the church. So i think the root of the problem of Red Light Districts, massage parlors, etc, is porn. And because Christian men struggle with it, they feel unfit or guilty to take a stand. And if Christian men won't take a stand, who will?

Thank you, Saints.

Many thanks to those who came out to Jubilee's missions prayer meeting! Twas beautiful to see the Body come together and pray.

It was wonderful to share publicly for the first time. We hope and pray that it was a fruitful time. Please continue to pray, knowing that our King has full reign and victory.

May it never be about Unearthed and our work...but all recognition to the King and His incredible story of Redemption.


Justice will be served

"...Who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind...The Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow, but He thwarts the way of the wicked." - Psalm 146: 7-9

"Now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly."  -Luke 18: 7-8

My heart has been stirred this week about the idea of justice. Clearly Holy Spirit is speaking to me about this issue, but two things in the physical realm also triggered my thoughts.

1. On our prayer-walk through the RLD this past week, we noticed for the first time that at the end of the RLD, in plain view of everything that happens, is a police station. Prostitution is illegal in Korea, yet across the street from a RLD is a police station and things just go on as normal?!?!?! How can this be??
It's because we live in a world full of corrupt humans, corrupt governments and corrupt justice systems. The more I research into the sex industry in Korea, and across the globe for that matter, the more I realize just how much corruption there is...corruption in every possible arena you can think of.

2. This week in Korea was elections.  Everywhere was swirling with promotional banners, volunteers handing out fliers, trucks driving around to advertise candidates, etc. I'm not a citizen, so I can't vote. And I'm not even Korean, so why should I care about elections?? I care because I want to see God place righteous people in the places of authority in this country. Ones who will finally stand for truth and tear down the strongholds of corruption.
Ah, how my heart burns to see righteous leaders lifted up!!!

God's kindness is what leads to repentance. This is why we pray for God's love and mercy to come down. Each week that we do these prayer-walks, we see the prisoners. We see the oppressed. We see the fatherless. We see the strangers. We see the blind. And our hearts are broken. So we cry out. We cry out for God to thwart the way of the wicked and quickly bring His justice. HIS perfect, holy and righteous justice.


Prayer Night at Jubilee Church - Presenting Unearthed:Seoul

Unearthed:Seoul will be sharing about our ministry and experiences at Jubilee Church on June 6th at 6:30 pm.  This will be our first official public presentation.  If you need more information, please contact us at UnearthedSeoul@gmail.com.

Click on the link for directions to Jubilee.