
Must see.


This is a great short-film made by Unearthed Pictures (not this Unearthed), but another incredible Unearthed who we love!

No more pornography. No more normalization of what is blatantly fueling the sex industry. No more apathy.


Psalm 7:9

Oh let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous!!

What better way to pray than to simply pray the Word back to God. This prayer is straight from the Bible and nothing could be more appropriate for what we are contending for!



Today's the day of rest for the women in the RLD.  Please pray for a day of good rest and divine appointments. Intercede for their freedom, both physical and spiritual. May this day lead to tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and a life of no more captivity!


Seoul: City in Focus

Seoul is Exodus Cry's city in focus for the month of September:




Dear Intercessors worldwide,

On behalf of the millions enslaved in our beloved nation, thank you.

Until Justice rolls down...

Well, it's their choice!

I've heard this statement so many times, "Well, it's their choice! The girls want money, so they choose this job. They choose to be in prostitution."

And to those people, I always say this, "When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, what little girl will say she wants to sell her body?"

For those who "volunteer", there are always conditions that force the woman "to make this choice."  It is termed by many as Forced-volunteering.

In their God-given dignity, I believe no person wants to prostitute their body. It is NOT their choice. They are in mental, spiritual, and physical bondage.

Praise Jesus that He IS the Great Abolitionist. He brings true, lasting, and wholistic freedom.


For a few months now, we have been prayerwalking in a new RLD. This area is the oldest in Seoul. It is very dark physically and spiritually, more than other areas we've been to. But God is stronger.

We are reminded that every week we go, we must go in love. We must walk in love, think in love, see in love, talk in love, pray in love, be love, and love.

Love will not judge, will not condemn them. Love will not push away, reject them. Love will not see their stains, give up on them. Love will not ignore, leave them.

Love will see their worth, showing them honor. Love will go to them, embracing them. Love will see the Gospel power, standing in the gap for them. Love will tend to them, washing their feet.

The Father's love is so strong and so tender. Love will melt hearts at the beckoning of their Daddy.

They, too, are included in His redeeming love.

The Gospel is for them, too.


Exchanging truth for a lie: The things we tell ourselves to make us believe we are ok

Once in Greenwich, a man who appeared significantly older than his advertised age of 42 greeted Taylor at the train station and then drove her to the largest house she had ever seen. He changed into his swimming trunks, she put on a skimpy bathing suit, and then, by the side of his pool, she rubbed sunscreen into the folds of his sagging back -- bracing herself to endure an afternoon of sex with someone she suspected was actually about 30 years her senior...

Saddled with piles of student debt and a job-scarce, lackluster economy, current college students and recent graduates are selling themselves to pursue a diploma or pay down their loans. An increasing number, according to the the owners of websites that broker such hook-ups, have taken to the web in search of online suitors or wealthy benefactors who, in exchange for sex, companionship, or both, might help with the bills...

"It's a very expensive job," says Jack, a 70-year-old sugar daddy, who describes himself as a "humanitarian" interested in helping young women in financial need. Jack isn't the name that appears on his American Express black card, but an identity he uses when shopping online for companionship and sex.

These are a few short excerpts from a Huffington Post article I read about online "sugar daddy/sugar baby" sites. You can read the full article here.
As I read this article, I was filled with rage, disgust and pity for each person mentioned.
The pathetic website owner who makes money from old men exploiting vulnerable girls.
The disgusting "John" who makes a profile on a shoddy website to hook-up with a girl half his age, in the name of "helping her."
The ignorant college student who thinks that she can make a quick buck this way, yet not get hurt in the process.

To be completely honest, at first, I didn't even feel sad about this story. I was just so angered by all of it that I couldn't see the root behind the issue in that moment. But as I was processing, the Lord spoke to me how this is directly correlates to Romans 1: 24-25. The verses say this:
"Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator"
After meditating on this verse, I began to see the deception that is taking over the minds of people and my heart broke with the jealous heart of God.

These verses spell out the progression of evil that happens, and this progression is fueling the sex industry and human trafficking.
1. First, the people worship the creation, rather than the creator!
We see this in every aspect of life. We worship people. We worship bodies. We worship status. Money. Jobs. Fame. Religion. Pride. Our eyes constantly fall short of what we should be worshiping.
2. Second, the people give up truth and believe lies.
When we stop worshiping the only Truth, the natural consequence is that we are worshiping lies. We willfully give up truth and accepted lies into our hearts, minds and souls. This just opens the doors to further lies and demonic attack and oppression.
3. Third, the people are given up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity.
God  is loving and kind and does not control us, but rather, allows us to have choice in our lives. We are so full of lies that our choice becomes impurity. And because of His nature, there comes a time when God fully gives us over to those desires and choices and we are filled with lust and perversion and begin to live in impurity.
4. Finally, the people dishonor their bodies among themselves.
It is not hard to make this connection to current society! But of course it happens all the time when we have no idea what truth is. We don't know what to believe, and we believe lies, and because we have chosen impurity, we act in ways that hurt us, dishonor us, and shame us. Satan has always had a desire to destroy the temple of the Lord, which now is our bodies, so he seeks to fill us with lust and perversion. Once we have given ourselves fully to impurity, its only a matter of time before we self-destruct.

God has created us to be creatures that love and are loved. Our purpose is to love God and be loved by God. This life of impurity, lust, lies, destruction...it was never His intention! I am sure these women and men never intended to get to a point where they were using websites to have random sex with strangers. It started with a small thing; a small thought; a small lie. "I mean, really, it's not a big deal if I want to get more money and I do anything to get it. It's not a big deal if I care more about the way my body looks than thanking God that he made me. It's not a big deal that I worship whichever god I want to in that given moment." We tell ourselves whatever we need to to justify the lies we believe. And even when everything is going wrong in our life because of this cycle of death, we will still justify our actions to make us believe we haven't lost control.
Surely His heart is broken over stories like this!!

Stories like this are FAR too common and accepted. We MUST pray and guard ourselves!! We must pray for people to see the Truth and worship only the Truth! We must stop the cycle before it destroys more lives. We need to take a stand for righteousness, even when it seems like we are "irrelevant" to the rest of the world. Casual sex, one night stands, prostitution, pornography....these things DO NOT make us relevant!!
May this be known as the generation that changes history, rather than perpetuating its mistakes.


The Lost Boys....not forgotten

Though it has been 8 months already since the Unearthed missions team went to Bangkok to bring light to the red light districts, we have not forgotten the amazing things we experienced while we were there. The Lord broke our hearts so much for Thailand and for the people we met; its impossible to forget.

And for some reason, the Lord has been stirring it up even more in my heart the past month or so. As I think and pray about Bangkok, the bars, the men...tears still come to my eyes. As long as there is injustice in Thailand and men and women of all ages are trafficked and exploited, let us never forget!!
I have included a small portion of my personal testimony from our trip to Thailand to share with you all. Please continue to pray with us!

My other prayer, to have a shift in my heart toward Thailand, God answered on our first night of outreach. We went with a few members of a local Thai organization to learn from them and watch how they do ministry. But for some reason, we felt so much unrest the entire time we were there because we knew that God was calling us to minister to the men and we weren’t following.  When we finally went to the “boy bar street,” we had no idea what to expect and had no direction about what we were supposed to do or where to go. How do you just “choose” a bar and go in and start ministering to male prostitutes?? As I prayed before going in, the Lord was showing me that we were going to make a change there and when I look a boy straight in the eyes and speak, he would see the truth.  I had no idea yet how literal these words were.  So, we went in. And it was chaos! Men were grabbing and shouting at all of us, trying to pull us in to their clubs, watch their sex shows, and drink with them. I honestly had no idea what to think. It seemed like it all happened so fast and it was so blurry. Yet we walked the entire street and still none of us had a clue about where we were supposed to go. But for one split second, I caught the eyes of a boy at the last bar on the strip (and they pierced me) and in that second I said to E, without even realizing what was happening, “We have to go back to that bar.” PRAISE THE LORD we had some kind of direction! So, we prayed, went back to that place and began to just talk to the guys working there. And it was in that bar that I met three of the most special boys I’ve ever met in my life. Mos. Jade. Pong.


Though to the world they are the "Lost Boys of Thailand," to the Lord they are priests and sons. Please continue to pray for them! They need an encounter with Jesus in the depths of their heart!


Trafficked Children Rescued in China

I read this article today about trafficked children who were rescued during a bust in China. Praise the Lord!!!

These children were all very young; as young as 10 months old. The oldest was 4 years old. My heart breaks to hear about these poor lives begin ruined for someone elses financial/sexual gain.

Thank you Lord for being faithful, even to the smallest of us. For loving us, even when we have not yet contributed anything. For having justice and righteousness as the foundation of your throne.


Nefarious Film Screening: Seoul

This incredible documentary is making its way to Seoul!!
Our friends at Exodus Cry have made a film about the global sex trade and after many years of hard work, it's finally finished and on tour!  Its going to be powerful and we must get as many people to see it as possible....the first step to changing the sex industry and ending trafficking is AWARENESS!!! Come to a screening. Get your friends to come. See it multiple times. You will not be disappointed! www.nefariousfilm.com

Details and Dates:
- Friday July 29th, 7pm: Onnuri Church; Yangjae Station (line 3)

- Sunday July 31st, 7pm: New Philadelphia Church; Shillim Station (line 2). Email cassandra@newphilly.cc for more info and to reserve a ticket. All ticket prices go to Exodus Cry as an offering.


Beautiful Bride.

Today was Day 2 of Not For Sale's Backyard Academy. It's been a blessing to learn, connect with others who love justice, and see the Church love the heart of God.

Unearthed has been crying out not only for freedom & justice but also awakening and movement of the Church. It brings so much joy to my heart to see the Beautiful Bride beginning to stand in this hour. How much more joy to the Groom's heart?

Korea will never be the same. Singapore will never be the same. Hong Kong will never be the same. Cambodia will never be the same.Philippines will never be the same. Thailand will never be the same. Japan will never be the same. India will never be the same. Asia will never be the same.

What an honor to partner with the Greatest Abolitionist.

No more slumber, Church. It's time to wake up!


Winning Side.

Story after story of injustice, one can't help but ask, "When?" Until when will the injustice prevail? It's been 3 years since God has shown me the great injustices in Korea. It seems that the longer I'm here, the more depravity I see and hear about.

To be honest, sometimes...it's just too much. It's too heavy.  Hopeless. Defeated. Alone. Discouraged. There have been many times when I've experienced the messy side of ministry. There have been many times when I've wanted to give up. I've wanted to give in. I've wanted to slow down. I've wanted to ease up.

But, knowing the injustices...it would be greater injustice if I just turn away.

God will not relent. I choose to not relent, too.

In His sweet voice, the Lord reminded me the other night, "You are on the winning side."  What incredible news.

Injustice is all around. But, Justice wins.

Justice is the King's.

Our King wins.


Backyard Academy June 23-25


The Not for Sale Backyard Academy is coming to Seoul next weekend!! If you are in the area and have not yet signed up, you should do so. Its going to be an awesome time of learning more about human slavery and what we can do to end it.


Article about Protests in Red Light District

The protests that are happening are making major news right now in Korea. Check out this article, with pictures, of the event. **warning** some of the pictures are rather disturbing and somewhat explicit.


Also, here is some video footage from another news website.

Unfortunately, many of these women have nowhere else to turn to because of debt, shame, etc.  Let us continue to pray for restoration and freedom!! 

PRAISE Him for answered prayers!!

We have great news to report from Korea!!!

The Red Light district that we used to pray through each week has been showing strange signs lately.

- About a month ago, at 11pm on a Friday there were no girls "working" in the windows.
- About a week later, again, there were no girls in the windows and a large group of pimps were all gathered together having some sort of "meeting" in one of the windows.
- A couple weeks ago we did another prayer walk and there were significantly more police patrolling around the whole area. A police car was parked at both ends of the street and cars were patrolling every so often. I saw many pimps in staggered locations along the perimeter and surrounding streets giving word of when cop cars were coming and then I saw many "freelance girls" (women who are still "working" on the street, but not in a window on the specific Red Light street) run to hiding places.

When I have been praying, I felt like the lord has been saying, "This is a Jericho moment for this area." Just like Joshua sent out spies before hand, we have been surveying the land for more than a year and been praying and praying. And then God said now its time to take it. So during our walk a couple weeks ago we were just claiming, like in Joshua, that every place our foots walks upon would be taken for the lord.
Then a few nights ago, my friend, who lives in the area, sent me a video of what she saw in the area. The windows where the women are typically on display were all closed and had huge signs posted. On the actual Red Light street, there was not business happening.  Apparently it is shut down right now because the workers (women, pimps, madams) are protesting because the government is taking action and shutting it all down!!!

The signs said some of the following things:
"We hate those in power"
"The authorities only give power to the big companies"
"You are taking everything away from the poor girl" (because they are not allowing the prostitutes to work)
"Should we sell ourselves in other countries so that we can bring money to Korea?"
"Because the government shut us down, give us restitution"

 This is an amazing and pivotal time! Please pray for us here, for our ministry, for clarity, for Seoul, for true freedom in this area. Thank you for being a part of this with us!! I feel like we can all rejoice together because we've all been sowing in prayer together!!


The Candy Shop...a MUST see short film!


I know it may be annoying that we can't just have the video on our site, but I'm telling you that it is worth your time to click on one more page and watch this film! It is so well made and it is a very "disturbing" yet truthful view of child sexual exploitation.
You MUST watch it!


A few Thailand pictures

As we have said many times, our trip to Thailand was amazing! God did soooooo much in us and through us; its hard to even share it all. We are going to continue to update you with bits here and there because, honestly, there is too much and it's too intense to share it all in one chunk. For now, here are a few photos of some of our time there.
Be blessed!

[caption id="attachment_398" align="aligncenter" width="509" caption="Some street graffiti in Bangkok. A prophetic picture of what we did and what God is doing!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_401" align="aligncenter" width="614" caption="A picture from one major Red Light District in Bangkok"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_402" align="aligncenter" width="614" caption="An intense and thought provoking photo taken on the streets of the Red Light District in Bangkok"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_404" align="aligncenter" width="614" caption="A group of young men who work in the sex industry in Bangkok. This street of "boy bars" is where we spent most of our ministry time. God moved our hearts in an amazing way for these men! Please keep them in your prayers. "][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_412" align="aligncenter" width="612" caption="Chatting with some workers at a massage parlor- a place that we were told may have trafficked children"][/caption]


What's next??

Our apologies for our lack of postings lately. God really did quite a work in Thailand and we have been trying to process it all and figure out what it means for Unearthed. Its been a wonderful season! Please understand that our lack of posting/emailing in no way means we haven't been doing anything, haven't been praying, or haven't been thinking about all of you and thanking God for your partnership!! It is because of YOU that Thailand was so special!

Here a brief overview/update. In the coming days we will post small bits/stories about our trip so you know more about all we went through.

Our Thailand trip was crazy and intense. God showed us so much! Specifically, God put it on our hearts to contend for two groups of people: the men and the trafficked children. We were so surprised by this...as we went to Thailand with the intention of reaching out to the women and all the connections we made were with ministries for women.
Though we felt unprepared and "little"...God used our Unearthed experience and gave us so much favor in our prayer-walks! We befriended some very special boys and prayed over some very dark areas. As y'all can imagine, we were rocked. And the Lord is still rocking us. Much to process but we are also discerning how to move forth with Unearthed and in Korea.

We feel that God is leading us to go deeper... specifically that of "unseen" areas He wants us to see...to contend for these unseen areas and people. As we do, we need to learn more! So, just like Unearthed started a year and half ago, with research and learning, this is where we find ourselves again now. Once again, we are forerunning! Except what's different now is that we're going to focus on the hidden areas. This is challenging but we know it is exactly where God is placing us right now. We have begun our research and some "scouting" of areas. We are in need of direction and strategy as we move forth.

Also, God has heard our prayers for the Church to rise up! Slowly but surely the churches in Seoul are being awakened and are engaging with God's heart for justice and righteousness...His heart for the men and women involved in this industry. PRAISE THE LORD! It moves us to tears to see the sleeping Church wake up. This is what we've been praying for! Surely, He has heard our cries.

Thank you again and again for your partnership! This is going to be a special time where we need grace to continue, favor to search out and find the right things and strategy to know what to do with the information.

Prayer Warriors...we love you! Thank you



As I was praying last night, God reminded me the power of freedom.

Let us pray for the men and women who hold others captive. Even today and throughout the night in dreams, may God reveal to these people how He has freed them. O, that they would know the precious freedom we have in Jesus.

May they liberate those whom they are holding captive.


Thank you.

We are back from Thailand! Thank you to those who faithfully prayed for us. We love you and honor you.

Words fall short, but simply put: Thailand was amazing.

God provided incredible connections...both in our appointments that were made and totally divine connections while there. We met some passionate men and women who are serving on the frontlines. We also met some very precious men and women whom the Father dearly loves. We praise God.

In the coming days, we look forward to sharing with you stories that unearth God's great love for these people, unearth their beauty, unearth the injustice, unearth their destiny.


Going strong in Thailand!

Hello from the warm and beautiful Thailand :)
The team has all made it here safely and things are going well so far. Here is a brief overview of what has happened so far....its already been a crazy 2 days! The devil is resisting us and our work a lot! But the Lord is stronger and he is working mightily!

Saturday we had a great team dinner and planning and prayer time.

Sunday,  God divinely lead us to a church that we weren't initially
planning to go to. It was a spirit filled place and we made amazing
connections. A woman who is in charge of connecting all the Christian
ministries in Thailand. A converted Muslim missionary from Pakistan.
An apostolic church planting pastor from Singapore. The pastor met
with us for hours after service and shared with us his visions for the
church in Thailand and he listened as we shared with him about Korea.
We agree with him that it is Thailand's finest hour and the harvest is
ripe and ready. He was so supportive and willing to help us out in any
way and he prayed for us as we finished the meeting.

We also met with the Thai staff of a local ministry that does bar
outreach and has a home and jobs for the girls. We had a Q and A
session about the industry in Thailand and will be meeting with her
again tonight to do outreach.

We have had a lot of opposition thus far, so we need your prayers! Please!
-Awareness!! We FOR REAL need alertness all the time, even when we are
"just" sitting down to eat.
-Boldness and faith to go into the secret and hidden places
-pray Isaiah 61:1 for us

Thanks!! We will update you more with pictures and stories as we are able to.

For the glory of God!


Bangkok here we come! :)

We've been talking about it for a while...and now its upon us. The first (of many)

Thailand 2011

Thank you so much for praying with us thus far. We have felt so much strength, excitement and grace and we are so expectant for the trip. Here are a few other specific prayer requests.

  • Team Unity- Not only do we want to minister together, we want to grow in our relationships with each other and bless each other during our time. This is going to be crucial for what we are going to do when we come back to Seoul.

  • Thai Ministries- Please pray into these ministries. They are doing amazing things!!!

  • Protection- Physical protection, spiritual and emotional as well! This is a war we are entering, and we don't go in without our armor.

  • Prophetic/Words of Knowledge- We want to minister to people by touching secret places in their hearts. Pray that the Lord will reveal things to us as we pray for the people we encounter in the bars, clubs and on the streets.

  • Logistics- please pray that everything goes smoothly with logistical things like buses, trains, planes, hotels, money, etc.

  • Divine appointments- we want the Lord to show us his heart for who to minister to, and to make connections with other ministries

  • Open and teachable hearts- pray that we are sensitive to the spirit and open and ready to learn all that He wants to show us this week.

Thank you also to everyone for your financial support!! We have raised just under 3/4 of our goal for this trip! We are so blessed that you give so freely and generously to support this ministry and the other ministries in Thailand. We really want to go on this trip not only to BE blessed, but to BE A BLESSING!! Thank you for helping us do that.
We are still looking to raise about 700 dollars. Its not too late to support this trip!!  If you would like to support us, please email (unearthedseoul@gmail.com) and we will give you details. Each little bit is a HUGE blessing and you will be rewarded double!

Grace and peace be with you today, and always. Thank you for your all of your support. We are so excited to share stories with you upon our return!
May 2011 be a year of MORE!!!!

With great love,
Unearthed Missions Team
Elizabeth, Cassandra and Mark