
Beautiful Bride.

Today was Day 2 of Not For Sale's Backyard Academy. It's been a blessing to learn, connect with others who love justice, and see the Church love the heart of God.

Unearthed has been crying out not only for freedom & justice but also awakening and movement of the Church. It brings so much joy to my heart to see the Beautiful Bride beginning to stand in this hour. How much more joy to the Groom's heart?

Korea will never be the same. Singapore will never be the same. Hong Kong will never be the same. Cambodia will never be the same.Philippines will never be the same. Thailand will never be the same. Japan will never be the same. India will never be the same. Asia will never be the same.

What an honor to partner with the Greatest Abolitionist.

No more slumber, Church. It's time to wake up!


  1. This beautiful.
    Korea will never be the same.
    hi i am an intern from IHOP [international house of prayer] and just today while i was in the prayer room at 2pm Exdous Cry was called up to pray for KOREA and i just wanted to let yall know that the body of chirst is being lifted for intercession! We will contintue to pray and go hard after this. and i pray that the lord will contintue to move with his mighty hand over the seas in Japan Korea and every place where this takes place. He will restore what has been lost and bring healing to the lost. Love you guys and Lets keep Pressing! Blessings!

  2. Lucero, thank you for your comment! And for your prayers. We have been so blessed to have Exodus Cry, IHOP and friends/family praying for us all the way over in the States. We definitely feel your prayers and are so grateful for your partnership!! He surely will restore what has been lost!
