
Backyard Academy June 23-25


The Not for Sale Backyard Academy is coming to Seoul next weekend!! If you are in the area and have not yet signed up, you should do so. Its going to be an awesome time of learning more about human slavery and what we can do to end it.


  1. Cool, here are some clips from the Center for Public Christianity (www.publicchristianity.org)

    Interview with Gail Dines

    Part 1: http://www.vimeo.com/24915730

    Part 2: http://www.vimeo.com/24918309

    I though it might be a good resource for you guys.

  2. Thanks Paul. Great link and resource to learn abou the pornography industry. It plays such a huge role in the continuation of trafficking and prostitution. Let's continue to pray for it. Thank you!
